
Backport of fluid_styled_content Backport of fluid_styled_content

content_rendering_core / beta

Content rendering by Fluid templates

This version supports TYPO3

Older versions also support TYPO3


#Fluid #content #fluid_styled_content #css_styled_content #Frontend

Last upload comment

All copied files from TYPO7 core have been moved to folders named after the original extension they came from, changing back the namespaces. An ext_autoload.php file has been added.

This means when using your own TypoScript using namespaces of this ext

Downloads by month

Download 2.0.0 Extension Manual Code Insights Donate and Give Kudos
Patrick Broens
Last update
17. Dec 2015
First upload
19. Nov 2015
  • PHP (5.5.0 - 7.99.99)
  • TYPO3 (6.2.0 - 6.2.99)


  1. Download ZIP file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the ZIP file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.
  1. Download T3X file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the T3X file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.

Version history

Version Upload comment Works with TYPO3 Download
2.0.0 / beta
December 17, 2015
All copied files from TYPO7 core have been moved to folders named after the original extension they came from, changing back the namespaces. An ext_autoload.php file has been added.

This means when using your own TypoScript using namespaces of this ext
6.2.0 - 6.2.99 Download
1.0.5 / beta
November 20, 2015
Fixed bug #1 Fatal error: Call to undefined method

This version can render all content elements as available in fluid_styled_content. Other media, besides images, like online media (YouTube and Vimeo) are not covered yet, but will be available soon.

6.2.0 - 6.2.99 Download
1.0.4 / beta
November 19, 2015
This version can render all content elements as available in fluid_styled_content. Other media, besides images, like online media (YouTube and Vimeo) are not covered yet, but will be available soon.

Documentation has been added.
6.2.0 - 6.2.99 Download
1.0.3 / beta
November 19, 2015
This version can render all content elements as available in fluid_styled_content. Other media, besides images, like online media (YouTube and Vimeo) are not covered yet, but will be available soon.

Documentation has been added.
6.2.0 - 6.2.99 Download
1.0.2 / beta
November 19, 2015
This version can render all content elements as available in fluid_styled_content. Other media, besides images, like online media (YouTube and Vimeo) are not covered yet, but will be available soon.

Documentation has been added.
6.2.0 - 6.2.99 Download
1.0.1 / beta
November 19, 2015
This version can render all content elements as available in fluid_styled_content. Other media, besides images, like online media (YouTube and Vimeo) are not covered yet, but will be available soon.

For more information:
6.2.0 - 6.2.99 Download
1.0.0 / beta
November 19, 2015
Initial upload. See https://github.com/patrickbroens/TYPO3.ContentRenderingCore for more information
6.2.0 - 6.99.99 Download